All about how you can build an iPhone app to do your gardening. Well not really. Lets see what happens here. Mostly gardening in Brentham Garden Suburb!
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Winter Gardening In Copenhagen?
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Winter Garden.
Monday, 1 November 2010
SMS Is Not Dead!
- The average US teen sends 3334 SMS a month
- There were 6.1 trillion SMS sent in 2010. That's 200,000 SMS sent every second.
- Fast Society is a free iPhone app that groups contacts into an instant, short-term team, combining group text messaging and one-touch conference calling. – iPhone only
- GroupMe makes life easy for you and your groups with free group texting. It’s your real life network, in your pocket. – also does conf calls from the number assigned to the group. Very nice.
Gardeners' World On Flickr
Monday, 25 October 2010
Autumn Colour
Saturday, 2 October 2010
IT's Days Like Today You Pray The Folks On Gardeners' World Know What They Are Talking About!
- Mow the lawn first and rake up any loose cuttings
- Using a Springtine rake, rake through the lawn first up and down and then across. This will lift out any thatch and dead grass underneath the green grass on top. Thatch gets in the way of water and fertiliser (if you use it) getting to the roots of the grass so apparently you have to get rid of it once in a while! The picture below shows just how much thatch had built up in my lawn!
- Then aerate your lawn. Taking a pitch fork dig in and loosen the ground every 10cms. This lets air get to the roots of the grass allowing it to grow better.
- Then get some Autumn lawn food to sprinkle on. Something with phosphate and potassium. Whatever you do don't use a nitrogen based fertiliser! A bad choice in Autumn as it results in fast leafy growth which just gets obliterated in winter.
- Water the fertiliser in amd if there are any bare patches re-sow with some more grass seed.
- Rake the new grass seed in.
SO I am hoping that after all of this work, and I still have the back lawn to complete, that next Spring the lawn will look something like it did when we moved in! See below. If it doesn't I will be disappointed and write a pointed letter to Gardeners' World ;-)
Friday, 24 September 2010
Roll On LTE and The Introduction Of Truly Mobile Content Services

I finally got the Froyo upgrade to the HTC Desire mobile that I am using. After all the hype, and waiting, it was actually rather a disappointment. Sure it’s good, and it gives me access to the latest Android firmware features and all of the applications in the Android Market Place that require Android 2.2, but all in all my phone is still pretty much the same. Sure I can now use Google Voice Actions through the Google Search application but to be honest speaking into your handset to start a call makes you look as though you are slightly demented. It’s akin to using a hands free kit while walking down the street! It just doesn’t look right having a conversation to yourself! Also after the voice action is misinterpreted such that getting directions to your post code, which ends in ‘1X’ actually has you driving to a location that ends ‘IN HEX’ the novelty wears off pretty quickly! ;-) That being said Hexadecimal directions add a little bit of a challenge to what is usually a standard drive home!
So although great to have the latest Android update for the phone, all in all a little bit over hyped. That being said there is one slightly less obvious feature that I really think can become a game changer for mobile carriers. This is the tethering support, that I am very surprised my mobile network has not turned off. Given how many 3G dongles that are sold on the network. If you have the HTC Desire, there is now no need to pay for a 3G dongle for your PC as well. Simply hook up your Desire to your PC via a USB cable and bingo, you are on network. Even better HTC have added a WiFi Hotspot application that allows you to tether your PC, or other mobile, via WiFi. This is very cool indeed and just what is needed. At work the mobile network that I have my iPhone on has almost zero reception. Now I can use it via WiFi on the mobile network that the HTC Desire that I am using is on! OK so its overkill but I think it demonstrates a point.
With LTE slowly rolling out across mobile markets it might not be too far in the future where your mobile becomes the only device that you use to access the internet from every other device in your house, or while you are on the road. Think about it. LTE can offer downlink peak rates of at least 100 Mbit/s, an uplink of at least 50 Mbit/s. In theory you could hook up any internet enabled device to your mobile, that acts as a portable WiFi hotspot, in order to connect you wherever you are! Assuming you are in network coverage ;-). 20Mbit/s should be enough to supply you your HD TV streaming service, and you still have plenty of bandwidth to play Farmville on your PC while you are ignoring the TV. In theory, almost every single one of your data services could be supplied through one mobile phone, that you pretty much well carry everywhere.
Here is the key as well. As you have your phone on you at all times you have all of your services as well permanently with you. So as your phone has a HDMI out socket you can watch your Sky TV anywhere, as your Sky TV account will be linked to your MSISDN as this becomes the distribution mechanism for it! Very cool. At the moment if you go out of your house, bang there goes your Sky viewing. The deal that Sky does with the Mobile network to deliver its content means that the carriers are no longer a dumb bit pipe. They are a bit pipe that makes money from Content Providers. Google will also be lining up to pay to have their services delivered ;-) What’s even better is that on most TV’s in the future you won’t even need your HDMI Out socket on the handset to stream content to them. They will simply hook up wirelessly as well. What’s even better than that is that soon enough your mobile will be able to project a powerful enough image from its built in projector so you won’t even need a TV. Just beam the stream onto a wall. No free wall nearby? Don’t worry just stream the content to your AR glasses via blue tooth. Just don’t do this while walking or driving. It could be hazardous.
Seriously, the options for LTE from a mobile operator are endless. Some of them involve simply being a dumb bit pipe, but hopefully the service fee that a Customer pays to have their Sky HD TV service available where ever they are is distributed between Content Provider and mobile network. When this is done mobile networks can be dumb bit pipes and be proud of it!
The downsides:
- You lose your phone, you are pretty much well stuffed! You should have a backup SIM stored safely somewhere.
- You leave your house and everyone else in the house loses their internet connectivity. Too bad if little Johnny has to finish off his homework while you are on a business trip. I am sure the mobile networks would be smart enough to have some kind of dual SIM such that the one in your phone shares the same account as the one left in a phone, or a fixed device at home ;-)
- Mobile networks will probably cap data usage. This can be currently seen with the initial contracts that are being offered on LTE, The more you pay the higher data speeds you get. OK, but if you cap the usage of data then I am going to be less likely to attempt to use all of my data services as at the end of the week I will probably run out of data! OK to be fair if the network is priced competitively then I will probably be able to tailor my network usage to the correct package ;-).
LTE, if it works to specification, and the network has the appropriate coverage, has a massive amount of potential for both Content Providers and Mobile Networks. Tidy. Very tidy indeed!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
How Much Rain Have You Had?

Friday, 27 August 2010
Mobile News For The End Of Week 34
Hmmm don't know what to do. I know I will get GOOG to tell me what to do next! Thanks Eric ;-) - this was actually a story about streaming search results, so instead of getting the suggested search terms you see as you have partially typed in a keyword search you would instead see the actual search results. I think this would be incredibly confusing but if launched would be interested to try. At the bottom of the story is Eric Schmidt’s reference to what he actually thinks people want Google to do for them. “They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next.”. Seriously I hope this is not the case! It would be a sorry day that we had to rely on a search engine to tell us what to do! What do you think Google would tell you? “You want to click on this strategically placed advertisement” ;-). Just image the amount of profiling information required to tell you what you want to do next?
Google Goggles coming to iPhone If they could port Navigation, Gesture Search and Sky Map that would be great ;-) – an announcement that Google are going to provide Google Goggles on iPhone has to be good. Not that I particularly use Google Goggles on android. For me the current state of the application is a novelty, but as image recognition advances you can see how the product could advance from a novelty to a valuable resource. It’s Android applications like this that make me like the platform. Other applications such as Navigation, Gesture Search and Sky Map are also great. The Talking RSS Reader is also very cool although I think that was developed by someone at Google as opposed to Google. If all could be ported that would be fantastic. I guess there are always going to be differentiators between software platforms that make one have the edge over the other. As is always the case though there are several edges so the pros and cons between platforms typically out-weigh each other. Thank god WAC is going to come along and standardise the development environment for mobile such that all applications have a standard runtime to be deployed in. That way all phones will have access to all applications. Cool. I am so forward looking to WAC . Well at least the one Samsung device on which it will run.
Windows Phone 7 web browser review and comparison with Android and iPhone #WP7 no Flash or HTML5 at this stage – OK theres not much in the comparison of the mobile browsers between iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile 7. OK so its not that scientific, but the review in this video hits on what most people might find of issue. Interesting that currently Windows Mobile 7 browser does not support flash or HTML 5. Apparently Windows are not commenting on when they might. This leaves Android as the only environment that does support Flash. Lets see if WM7 follows and has a differentiator against iPhone. You would have thought that they would do this from the start so they have something to crow about over the iPhone?
RT @orelien Foursquare celebrates four consecutive days of record signups – as I mentioned in my last blog the launch of facebook Places should be seen as an opportunity by the current check-in service players. Places allows a perfect distribution mechanism to facebook’s 500 million users. Well OK currently only there US users. Both Foursquare and Gowalla are highlighting significant usage increases since the launch of Places.
RT @androidcentral Motorola Flipout shows off itself in a demo video -> interesting form factor – a square phone with a flipout keyboard. That’s different. Well not really, there have been a few square mobile phones before (check out a google image search for a square mobile phone), but its not that common. I have not had a play with this phone yet but I am intrigued to have a look at it. I wonder if not having to worry about developing the OS, this phone has and Android OS, has allowed Motorola to have more time to play with the form factor. I wonder if we shall have some further intriguing design concepts coming out of the other Android OEM’s. Fingers crossed
RT @mashable The State of the GeoSocial Universe [INFOGRAPHIC] - - numbers of users of social services from mobile – this infographic, although not actually providing numbers, highlights the usage from mobile of various internet communities and products. Fantastic to see that significant traffic now generated from mobile. Well fantastic if you currently work in the mobile industry, or want to. It’s clear that mobile internet access is not a fad. People want it. The immediacy it brings is clearly seen as a positive thing by the internet consuming community. There is a long way to go for many PC based web services to mobilise their content. This should supply those that enable mobile services plenty of chance to increase their reach into the market as well, if only they could see this.
O2 Now adding an eco rating to each of their phones e.g. The Samsung Galaxy S details - OK so I wrote a blog about this here. It’s a good idea, however I think their implementation of it is slightly flawed. Interestingly Apple have refused to partake in the eco assessment. It’s svolutary so no-one can force them. You know if they got a low number though they would instantly be slammed in the press! The Guardian provides an article here about how Apple have not joined in the program. Have a look at the comments below the article. Many Apple haters there! Truly amazing the passion with which people both love and seemingly hate Apple!
Everything your Android phone can replace: 45 gadgets with a total weight of 110 Pounds (via @mob4hire )- I liked this article. Convergence is truly upon us with the smart phone. This article lists 45 gadgets that you no longer need to carry as you have access to their functionality from your Android phone. Interestingly they did not include a PC. I so rarely use my PC now at home. Well not for surfing anyway. I do work, and write these blogs on it (some might say this PC should be removed from my possession immediately based on this. Ho hum. I did not force you to read this did I? I think I would have used far more persuasive means to make you read this if I really wanted to ;-) ) but for surfing and instant access to web content I very rarely use my home PC. So we could possibly add that to the list. My home PC weighs a tonne as well!
RT @IntoMobile Pinball Magic Turns your iPhone into a Working Pinball Machine! - most important mobile news in ages – very cool little application! Well I am unable to download the pinball game as it appears that at the moment you can only purchase this in the US . I love the financial model for the game though. Have the game for free, but if you want the whole playing experience you have to buy the pinball cabinet separately. Being a pinball fan I love the application concept as well ;-) If, or when, this is available in the UK I will be purchasing ;-)
Want People And Industry To Change? Hit The Hip Pocket! - new blog entry influenced by the @O2 eco rating – remember if you have a different idea, but don’t implement it then you are a failure. Umm yeah right. Thanks for that. As discussed above O2 introduced an eco rating to their handsets today. This had me thinking about an idea I had for taxing carbon on everyday products a few years ago. Nothing ever came of it but it was an interesting thought at the time. I feel like a failure for not having completed the implementation. Actually in all honesty I don’t really. ;-)
Microsoft To Pay More Than Half A Billion Dollars To Jump-Start Windows Phone 7 - wow that's a serious amount of wonga! Estimates of 400 million alone on advertising. Oh man there are going to be a lot of windows mobile ads this Christmas! :-(. MS did the same when they launched the Xbox to try and crack the market. They have been successful in gaming but will they be successful again in mobile? The Xbox tie in might drive some sales. So will good handsets hopefully! That is if there are any! ;-). I have yet to be able to have a play with windows 7, but look forward to giving it a try.
That's about it for this week. Well that's it for the bits and pieces that caught my eye anyway.
Have fun! Bank Holiday Weekend! Yessss!
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Want People And Industry To Change? Hit The Hip Pocket!
- provide visibility on how the score is actually assessed and what criteria each device has achieved
- provide a mechanism such that I can compare devices eco ratings easily without having to navigate to each device individually. This might be available but I sure as heck could not find it.
- well done O2, but please be a little more serious about it so we can see its not just marketing bullshit.
- and think the next time you buy something. Our choices can have an impact on the very planet we need to survive.
- If you are really cluely invent the warp drive so we can ask friendly neighbouring planets if we can squat there for a while when our planet can no longer support us!