So here is a brief look at the coverage from the twitter-spere about impending Froyo updates to various devices! (Interestingly complete silence from Sony Ericcson for the SE X10 which was released with Android 1.6, while other handsets around it were being launched with 2.1. A great mistake in my view. I thought the SE X10 was a great looking phone but launching with 1.6 when others around it were heading out the door with 2.1 on board would have put me off if I was in the market at the time. So no news for either a 2.1 or 2.2 upgrade for SE X10 users. Sorry folks :-()
- @IntoMobile International Samsung Galaxy S to receive Android 2.2 (Froyo) in September
- @HTC Please be aware any floating around for EVO are not final and may cause problems. Official updates are coming OTA next week!
- @IntoMobile Motorola Droid Gets Some Android 2.2 (Froyo) Lovin' Next Week
- @MobileCrunch Don't Want To Wait For Next Week? Download Android 2.2 Now -
- @androidcentral Android 2.2 on the Evo 4G
- @IntoMobile Android 2.2 Froyo for Sprint EVO 4G Now Available from HTC
- @androidcentral Android 2.2 build for Evo leaked, rooted -- and released
- @AndroidGuys #Android: Verizon to Push Froyo to the Droid Next Week!
- @androidcentral Original Droid getting Android 2.2 next week - it's official, folks!
- @MobileCrunch Android 2.2 to hit the Motorola Droid next week? -
And so on and on!
Interestingly another Android release always seems to drive out the fragmentation issue again! An example can be seen here. At this stage with Android I don't believe think fragmentation is the biggest issue. I tend to agree with the comment posted at the end of the article
- The average user won’t even notice the differences between Android 2.0,2.1 or 2.2. The same Apps run on it, and most users only know one thing: “it runs Android”. I have rarely seen complaints about fragmentation from users, only websites that apparently are writing articles with the only reason of writing articles are mentioning things like this Fragmentation is overhyped and not something that is really that big a problem for either end-user or developer.
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