Sunday, 13 February 2011

More Evidence Of The Garden Springing Back To Life

The Hortensia Making a Comeback

Yesterday was really the first day that I have been able to get into the Garden this year to clear out a bit of the chaff that has accumulated over the Winter. I am supposed to be sorting out the study and turning it into a nursery but after returning from the hardware store the Sun was simply too beautiful to pass up! Looking at the weather forecast for Sunday suggested rain all day so I simply had to down DIY tools to pick up the gardening ones for a while!

I should add I am glad that I did this when the sun was there, as within 2 hours there was more rain and even hail! Yesterday really did feel like a four seasons in one day yesterday. Grey and overcast, and due to the moisture in the air really cold as I wandered around London for 2 hours while waiting for my car to be serviced. This followed by a far warmer feeling afternoon due to the presence of the glorious sun. Followed by more rain and some hail as I then had to switch back into DIY mode to close out the day!

The title photo of this blog is of the Hortensia which I thought had perished during the winter. It simply looked so horrible and rotten that I thought I would shortly be digging it up! It showed it is made of far sterner stuff though and is coming on Strongly now!

Below are a bunch of Daffodils doing their best impression of B Of A Bang, a sculpture in Manchester

The Daffodils Doing An Impression Of The B Of A Bang

A couple more that I am yet to identify coming on strong and even flowering! Can't spend more time here now! Many chores to do! Will attempt to identify these correctly later on, when time permits. Been a crazy day already and only going to get more crazy!

Need To Identify

Need To Identify

Need To Identify

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