Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Scrum It! The Augmented Reality Scrum Application - Testing

Scrum It! Augmented Reality Agile Application Testing

So last year we revealed the Scrum It! App for smart phones. It's the Augmented Reality app for all good Scrum practitioners! If you use Scrum It! you are so Scrummily Agile, you may even well cross over, unknowingly, into the realms of Kanban!

Well in ongoing Scrum It! announcements the photo above shows off the latest test results for the new updates to Scrum It! You can see in the picture above how seamlessly Scrum It! portrays post it notes on any surface you want to. In this surface the window appears to be covered in Post-It notes. Rest assured, it's all an illusion!

Can you even remember how you practised Scrum prior to the release of Scrum It?



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