Monday 3 June 2013

Thunderbirds Jeff Tracy Communicator Built by Voxygen Using Raspberry Pi and BlueVia Voice

When I was a kid, and in fact even through high school, I loved the TV show the Thunderbirds. In fact if I am being honest I probably haven't gotten over this yet! ;-). So I was pretty happy that the Jeff Tracy style communicator above, built by Voxygen, uses the BlueVia Voice API for its communications needs ;-).

As Voxygen suggest in their blog post for the Tracy Island Communications Platform, they may consider putting a project kit up on Kickstarter. I strongly suggest if you need this in your life, and lets face it who doesn't, that you get in touch with them and convince them that this is a damned good idea!

I would suggest a name change for the product though. a Tracy Island Communications Platform, or TICP for short, rolls off the tongue like a brick ;-). Thinking through an acronym for F.A.B. for the product :-)



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