Monday, 12 September 2011

Do Roses And The Remnants Of Hurricane Katia Mix?

The Last Of The Roses

May might have been the best month for roses in our garden however towards the end of summer, after much deadheading in May and June, a few roses did make a comeback. The one pictured above bloomed late last week. As can be seen there are a few buds behind it as well. These pretty much well are the last of the roses this year though I feel.

Of course today along came the last remnants of Hurricane Katia. This has caused carnage on the East Coast of America, however by the time it reached the UK it has far less strength. That being said up in Scotland and Northern Ireland they are getting 80 mph gusts of wind. Down here in sunny London, although I can hear the wind howling around the window frames we are only getting the odd 50 mph gust down here in London. Still not to be sneezed at I guess. Looking at the picture below, the gusts have been enough to move our garden furniture by about a meter.

Hurrican Katia Is Borrowing Our Garden Furniture

The winds have also sent our Christmas tree tumbling! I hope it recovers OK. I will have to have a look at it tomorrow after the wind has died down. It's pretty sturdy though so hoping it will be OK for Christmas this year. Looking at the new growth it seems to be going just fine! The photo below is from July and it continues to grow new branches all over the place. I didn't have the heart to get rid of it at the end of last Christmas. Now I am going to see how long I can keep it growing, potted, so I can move it in and out of the house each Christmas ;-)

New growth on last years Christmas tree.

Anyway the roses! Have the last of this sturdy bunch survived the ravishes of an ever diminishing Hurricane Katia? Well so far the answer is yes! I was stunned to see the rose in the title picture of this blog still in tact when I got home! Those climbing roses are made of sturdy stuff I tell you! I will check again tomorrow morning, as I believe the winds are with us all evening, but so far it is still in one piece!

Will have to have a quick look around the garden tomorrow in daylight to see if there have been any other wind related casualties. Still I think the Christmas tree will be fine ;-)

Have fun



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